SensAI Dataset


How important is page experience to ranking success?


Google Search always seeks to show the most relevant content, even if the page experience is sub-par.

But for many queries, there is lots of helpful content available.

Therefore, having a great page experience can contribute to success in Search, in such cases.

Essentially, in an increasingly competitive industry, page experience can be the difference between your content’s ability to achieve a top spot on engine results page and not ranking at all.

That is why the BlogrBee team ensures that Partner Sites are optimized to provide the best page experience to visitors.



What are the Expertise questions in Google’s Helpful content guide?


Google’s Helpful Content guide has four questions related to Expertise.

1. Does the content present information in a way that makes you want to trust it, such as clear sourcing, evidence of the expertise involved, background about the author or the site that publishes it, such as through links to an author page or a site’s About page?

2. If someone researched the site producing the content, would they come away with an impression that it is well-trusted or widely-recognized as an authority on its topic?

3. Is this content written or reviewed by an expert or enthusiast who demonstrably knows the topic well?

4. Does the content have any easily-verified factual errors?

Please keep in mind that these questions are meant to serve as a guide, and does not guarantee content will rank if these conditions are met. They simply provide a starting point for analyzing your content against what you know about your audience, and what they should find the most helpful.



How do I provide a great page experience?


Google’s core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience.

Site owners seeking to be successful with our systems should not focus on only one or two aspects of page experience. Instead, check if you’re providing an overall great page experience across many aspects.

Answering yes to the questions below means you’re probably on track in providing a good page experience:

– Do pages have good Core Web Vitals? (**The BlogrBee team ensures that Partner Sites part of the BlogrBee Network have excellent Core Web Vitals**)
– Are pages served in a secure fashion? (**Security for BlogrBee Partner Sites is handled by BlogrBee developers**)
– Does content display well for mobile devices when viewed on them? (**The BlogrBee Development team ensures that Partner Sites are responsive and mobile-friendly**)
– Does the content lack an excessive amount of ads that distract from or interfere with the main content? (*BlogrBee encourages Partner Site owners to limit the amount of ads contained on their sites**).
– Do pages lack intrusive interstitials? (**BlogrBee does not allow interstitials – full-screen ads or other elementa that cover the interface – on any of it’s Partner Sites.**)
– How easily can visitors navigate to or locate the main content of your pages? (**The BlogrBee development team works with Partner Site owners to design a well-structured site and menu.**)
– Is the page designed so visitors can easily distinguish the main content from other content on your page? (The BlogrBee development team ensures that Partner site content is the main content on any given page.**)

In general, BlogrBee handles the technical SEO of Partner Sites to give them, and the content published to them, the most optimized environment for ranking.
